There aren’t many things in life that compare to having a great hair day…  And I’m not talking about those days when you’re able to run out the door and still look decent.


I’m talking about those days in which each and every strand, every edge gives you its FULL cooperation. When that hair is in Formation and giving life as if you’re Blue Ivy’s mama, the Queen Bey, herself!



But this post is not about those glorious days. This post is about the days when you see all of your hope and aspirations from the night before, crash and burn. Maybe you didn’t let your twists dry. Maybe you wrapped your hair too closely around the Flexi-Rods and your curls are too tight. Maybe your silk scarf escaped in the middle of the night and your hair tried its best to run after it leaving you with a tangled mess. Whatever your unfortunate circumstances were…it’s 100% relatable.



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