What day do you set aside for Wash Day? Wash Days are an important part of healthy, natural hair care.

As you will learn throughout your hair journey, you will find out that Wash Day is an experience. You look at your calendar and you block off a chunk of time (this chunk should be a few hours) in which you can successfully disappear from the world. It’s either that or run around without a shower cap and bonnet covering your wet hair. Of course, there are some duties that we just cannot disappear from, think parenting, but please note that one does not simply, wash their hair. You have a Wash Day.

simply wash day

Steps to Having a Successful Wash Day

Successful Wash Days begin with planning. Your Natural Hair Regimen should include a Wash Day Regimen. This list will change over time as you learn what your hair responds to, find different products that work for your hair, pick up tips and trips from other naturals, etc.

Below is a basic list of what your Wash Day Regimen should include. This list is not a standard, but a guide to help your best regimen. You can make your  regimen as simple or as complicated as you’d like. Click each link to read more on each step.

1. Pre-Poo
2. Shampoo or Co-Wash
3. Deep Condition
4. Apply Leave-in Conditioner
5. Detangle
6. Moisturize and Seal Daily
7. Set Style

Check out Vlogger’s Shanique (JourneyToWaistLength on IG)’s Wash Day Routine below.

Products used in the video are available on Amazon.

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